Small Business Network: Dr. Alan Gregerman

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Alan Gregerman, award-winning author and business consultant, headlines the Small Business Network event on Feb. 16 at MCM’s studios.

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Dr. Alan Gregerman is a highly-respected and award-winning author, business consultant, teacher, keynote speaker, and all-around nice guy who has been called “one of the most original thinkers in business today” and “the Robin Williams of business consulting.” His work focuses on helping companies and organizations to unlock the genius in all of their people in order to deliver the most compelling value to their customers.

Alan’s three books—“The Necessity of Strangers,” “Surrounded by Geniuses,” and “Lessons from the Sandbox”—challenge our thinking about people, the world around us, where brilliant ideas actually come from, and how to reach our full potential as individuals, leaders, and organizations.

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